CPA readying a new SMEs exhibition

by Editorial Team
2 minutes read

The Chitungwiza Publicity Association (CPA) is set to introduce a new exhibition targeting small to medium enterprises (SMEs) and those entities in the manufacturing sector in the satellite town.

Dubbed the Chitungwiza Small to Medium Enterprises and Manufacturing Expo (SMMExpo), the show is scheduled to be held from 28 September to 1 October 2022 at Makoni Shopping Centre in the town under the theme, “Our products. Our goal”

CPA Director, Lexcy Mrewa told Business Events today that the new show was meant to provide SMEs and the manufacturing sector a platform to showcase their products.

“On this one, our aim is to target and focus on the small, medium and manufacturing guys who don’t enjoy the limelight in most of the major business shows. This one is our inaugural one,” Mrewa said.

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Mrewa explained that the show was not only confined to Chitungwiza town only as exhibitors from other parts of the country could also participate in the expo for as long as it was a suitable vehicle to assist them to attain their goals.  

The CPA boss highlighted that the main aim of the expo was to provide a platform for SMEs and players in the manufacturing sector, which have not been able to participate at other exhibitions held in the country owing to their non-affordability among other constraints.

“The small, medium and manufacturing entities have never had an opportunity to exhibit at fairs which are within their reach and suitable for their pockets. This fair aims to showcase their products while at the same time sharing their goal to grow big. So in this expo, they share their products and vision or desire to grow.

“Supporting corporates like banks and government departments such as the National Social Security Authority (NSSA), the Procurement Regulatory Authority of Zimbabwe (PRAZ) and the Registrar of Companies among many others will be exhibiting to explain their services and the facilitation role in SMEs and manufacturing companies’ growth,” said Mrewa.

Mrewa indicated that the highlights of the show included awards, although he was not yet at liberty to disclose the various categories involved. He could not disclose the identity of the event’s guest of honour, citing that the issue was still a work in progress,


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